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《红字》是美国浪漫主义作家Nathaniel Hawthornes(霍桑)的代表作。



没读过此书的朋友大概不知道书名“红字”一词的含义,就其英文本义“The Scarlet Letter”来讲即红颜色的大写字母之意。实际指代红色的大写字母A(英文“adultery「通奸」”一词的缩写)。但这也仅仅是其书其文的表面含义,实质其包蕴扩展的隐含意却更为开阔,由于我对此书的窥视不深,不敢乱谈。

小说的主人公Hester Prynne以一个饱受舆论、世俗观与宗教谴责唾弃的犯有通奸罪行的少妇出场,她虽然含垢忍辱,却敢于面对现实、乐观人生。她对自己所犯下的错误只有觉悟却毫无后悔。她的坦然与坚强、勇敢与超脱刻画出了一个超呼同类的新殖民地女性的不俗性格。她的思想中饱含着强烈的反抗与挣扎精神,虽然凭借一己微薄之力无法斗争到底,但已表现出鲜明的反清教反世俗的立场。由此可以看出霍桑对清教历史、清教徒是进行了否定与憎恶的剖析的。

小说的另一位主人公Dimmesdale自始至终都备受良心的谴责和对自己不负责任的行为给她人造成的恶果的愤怒及对自己无限敬仰的上帝的信念的徘徊迷惘。与她的情人Hester Prynne相比,身为牧师的他实在是谨小慎微到不敢面对现实却又在痛苦埋怨的折磨中不断自惭的地步。每当读到牧师的内心独白时,急得我恨不能把当页纸撕碎,我的脑子便不时冒出这样的疑问,“两位主人公为什么不私奔呢?如果一开始就选择私奔,逃到一个陌生的地方进行全新的生活,不好吗?赶快私奔啊!”。霍桑当然没有这样安排剧情,因为Dimmesdale身为牧师的宿命只能决定他最后以悲剧的结局收场。即便当小说尾声两位主人公总算萌生我所期盼的私奔想法时,作者也没让他俩善终。我想,这也许正是大师文章结构的绝妙之处。我太过忽视Dimmesdale对上帝的依赖与崇拜,他的所有个人言行无时无刻不在受着《圣经》制约,他不得不用神职人员的教理来规范净化自己的品德与心灵,他对上帝的虔诚与忠实不允许他出卖自己的灵魂、背弃自己的信仰、搪塞自己的过失。所以,牧师虽然隐藏了七年通奸的罪恶,但他内心所受的折磨与打击其实要远盛于Hester Prynne.对此我只能表示惋惜,我对牧师性格的归纳是:内向并由于爱情的永恒始终无法凌驾于上帝的恩泽之上。否则,本书的结局不该那么悲惨。

当然,霍桑还在文中巧妙地安排了一个处心积虑却也同样充满悲剧色彩的人物Roger Chillingworth,作为Hester Prynne的丈夫,在得知其妻的通奸罪恶事实后,所逐步表现出来的老谋深算、恶毒狡诈的对情敌Dimmesdale的复仇计划,实在令人发指。即使当最后牧师心力衰竭步向天堂之际,Roger Chillingworth仍不忘对牧师咆哮,“Thou hast escaped me”,大概对Dimmesdale没有死在至少没有完全死在自己精心报复安排之下仍有很大的不甘于不平。本来作为受害者出场的Roger Chillingworth却导演着整个故事的发展流向并最终成为一名害人的恶魔。Roger Chillingworth自书中开头体察出牧师与其妻情感的微妙关系后所表现出来的种种失常的心态与恶毒的计划,其心何其孽也,全为“情”字所困。看来如果一个读书人,当他把书本知识转嫁到报复的才能中去时,应是相当可怕的事。

Pearl是Hester Prynne和Dimmesdale通奸的产物。小女孩是天真无辜的。她是书中能给读者不经意的眼泪揩上一丝手绢或携上一缕轻风的人物。作为一个还在懵懂之中的儿童,Pearl不理解母亲Hester Prynne胸前绣着的红字的含义。但却始终对红字充满了好奇与向往,甚至当Hester Prynne一次扔掉红字后大显脾气表达出极度的不习惯。作为两位主人公悲剧的结晶物,她在天真中深刻而又缓慢地体察着这个奥妙无情的世界,也许她对红字还不能理解透彻,但我相信,如果故事还能发展下去,她一定会为母亲的红字正名并洗刷耻辱的。


红字故事梗概英文版 红字故事梗概的主要内容是什么

1、The Scarlet Letter story is not complicated. The story takes place in the middle of the 17th century North American colonies of New England. Hester beautiful kind-hearted husband Wo Qi-Lin Adams, after missing the case of those living alone, fell in love with the youth pastor Dimmesdale, and he gave birth to a girl. After the incident, she was sentenced to chest Puritan A word to wear red (which means adultery) be publicly humiliated.Dimmesdale was not exposed, but by very ache heart of self-blame, fear all day long. Qi-Lin Adams back into the United States after Waterloo, in order to revenge, hidden buried in Dimmesdale side, with the spirit of cruel torture hound him day and night, with the result that Dimmesdale in the open their crimes after the death of another case.



In the middle of the 17th century, a summer day morning, a large group of Boston residents crowded in prison before the turf, solemnly staring back at his cell door.

As the doors opened, a three-month-old baby embrace of a young woman walked slowly to the crowd, in front of her wearing a bright red A word of dazzling red attracted all the attention that she is his wife Hester Failan. Because she was considered guilty of the crime of adultery and brought to trial, and should always wear a shame that the representatives of the Scarlet Letter.

Hanging in the stage, facing the Governor Pui Ling Han and the Rev. John Wilson coercion and inducements, she with great perseverance endure humiliation and suffering of humanity to bear everything, but at her side Reverend Dimmesdale young but showing a concern, panic-stricken face, looking like a individual life on the road from the direction was very confused, only to find themselves closed up Enron. Hester Bai Lan said firmly: "I will never tell who is the father of the child," said the remark when her eyes did not see Wilson pastor, but the young priest staring deep and melancholy eyes. "The Scarlet Letter defense in the home. You do not take down. Hopefully, I can put up with my painful, but also the suffering he endured to live! "La Bai Lan said.



小说《红字》读后感 篇1






At noon today, the teachers and students of the whole school gathered to watch the war movie Assembly in the amphitheatre. Many students havent seen it, and it feels refreshing. I watched it intently for fear of missing a plot. This movie is really wonderful.

The story takes place during the War of Liberation, when China and the Kuomintang reactionaries fought to the death. Company commander Gu Zidi led his ninth company. At first, there were more than 100 people. After a battle with the enemy, more than half of them died, and only 47 people were alive. There were few people and many dangers. Company commander Gu Zidi led 47 people into a more cruel battle. They bombed the enemys battle tanks with cannons and grenades, and the guns shook the earth. Smoke billowed everywhere, and the ground was full of victims. The scene was very tragic. The land and river were red with blood. That is the blood of martyrs!

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