
关键词: 初一下册英语试题,英语,初一
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________ I love it .

___2____ Yes , I watched “Harry Potter” yesterday.

________ Oh, I can’t stand them.

________ Do you like to watch TV?

________ I don’t mind them. How about you?

________ I do , too. What do you think of soap operas?

________ What do you think of it ?



1. What’s Bob doing? A. That’s Jenny.

2. What’s Mike like ? B. She’s medium height.

3. Where did you go last Sunday? C. Yes, I do.

4. How’s the weather in Toronto? D. It was pretty good.

5. What do you think of the game show? E. I went to the movies.

6. What does Nancy look like? F. Yes, you can listen outside.

7. Can we listen to music now ? G. He’s very serious.

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